
We are very excited to have the opportunity to equip you for your ministerial goals.  You will read and be tested from texts recognized worldwide by scholars who are preeminent in their fields of study.  Your exposure to these thinkers will give you a comprehensive understanding for any ministerial challenge you will ever face.

Step 1 - Register

  1. At the top of any page, click Login.
  2. In the bottom right, click Create an Account.
  3. Fill in the form as completely as possible.  Otherwise, you may experience delays in gaining access to the site.
  4. An email will be sent to you.
  5. Open the email and click the activation link provided.  This confirms your email address, but does not give you access to the site.
  6. The college will review your application within 24 hours.  Upon approval, your account will be enabled, and an email will be sent to you.

Step 2 - Sign Up For a Program

  1. Login to your account
  2. On the home page, choose a program to view its installment plan and related courses with descriptions

Step 3 - Go To Class

  1. After signing up to for a program, click Go To Class.  Please wait for 20 to 30 seconds for the educational software to load
  2. You will be taken to your own personal dashboard where all your courses are listed.